Monday, August 6, 2012

Beatles at Walnut-Ridge

The Beatles tribute in Walnut Ridge Arkansas (photo:  Sara Schmidt)

Close up of the Beatles sculpture (photo:  Sara Schmidt)

Beatles park sign telling about when the Beatles were in Walnut Ridge (photo:  Sara Schmidt)

Standing next to John! (photo:  Paul Inman)

Tribute to George carved in the metal backdrop (photo:  Sara Schmidt)

Cartoon Beatles painted on a window at an art shop at Walnut Ridge (photo:  Paul Inman)
You never know where you might end up.  And that is how things were for me this past weekend.  I first want to tell anyone that emailed me this weekend, that I got your emails and I am working on answering everything.  I unexpectedly went on a 2-day worth of driving through 8 states.

I somehow got roped into driving my boyfriend's son back to his home in Louisiana.  Don't get me started on that topic, but I decided to find something on the trip to make it worth my while.   I found that the town of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas had a Beatles tribute sculpture and it was only a half hour out of the way from where I was going to be traveling.   Sounded like something worth checking out!

You may remember the story of Carrie Mae Snapp who saw the Beatles at the Walnut Ridge Airport in 1964.   That the Beatles had a very short stop over during the 1964 North American tour after they spent the weekend at the Reed Pigman ranch, they caught the plane to New York city in the small town of Walnut Ridge, Arkansas.    I am not sure if that warrants an entire large sculpture to the Beatles in the town, but who am I to argue with a Beatles tribute in a town? 

The sculpture itself is in "Beatles Park."  But in case you ever go there, let me say that it isn't in a park at all.   It is actually on Abbey Road (no joke) on the corner of the street.   It is a very large sculpture of the Beatles crossing Abbey road.   Behind them is a carved metal of the backdrop, with hidden Beatles song lyrics and things in it.   Much like the Hard Day's Night Bed and Breakfast I had been to in Benton, Illinois, this isn't something that you want to be your main destination.  But if you were like me, and it was sort of on the way, it was cool enough to stop at and take photos.   It is also worth mentioning that on September 15 of this year the town is going to be holding a Beatles Day there and the band founded by Louise Harrison, Liverpool Legends, will be performing.    If you happen to live near there, it sounds like a fun time.

John at the Walnut Ridge Airport (photo:  Carrie Mae Snapp)

Derek Taylor and Paul at the Walnut Ridge Airport (photo:  Carrie Mae Snapp)

John and Ringo walking towards the airplane (photo:  Newell Mock)

Fans at Walnut Ridge waving goodbye to the Beatles (photo:  Newell Mock)

1 comment:

  1. Very nice! I live about 70 miles north of there. I love seeing photo's of The Beatles anywhere near where I live:)
